Audio and Music

How to download free music from iTunes

In addition to being the default player on Mac, iTunes is also and above all an online store through which you can buy music to listen freely on your computer or even on other devices. So do not be surprised if you occasionally hear friends and relatives who say they download music from iTunes, even if they go waving right and left that they did it for free.

Yes, even if you most likely will not believe it, downloading free music from iTunes is possible. Quiet, this is not an illegal procedure or some kind of ” witchcraft “. By doing some simple operations it is possible to download free music from iTunes in a totally transparent way.

So tell me, are you curious to find out how to download free music from iTunes? If your answer is ” yes ” there is nothing left to do but take a few minutes of free time, get comfortable and concentrate on reading this guide. Surely you will eventually be able to tell you more than satisfied.

To download free music from iTunes you have at your disposal different solutions: search for songs or albums that are occasionally offered as gifts from Apple, rely on Apple Music (which you can access from iTunes), download podcasts, take advantage of a gift card iTunes.

These are four totally different solutions, but in any case they allow to obtain the desired result. Choose which path to take only and only to you, based on what are your needs and preferences.

Note: Although in the following lines, I will explain how to download free music from iTunes through the computer, please note that the songs, once obtained, can also be transferred to iPhone and iPad and can be listened to on the move. For more details, take a look at my tutorial on how to upload music to iPhone and to my tutorial on how to upload music to iPad.

Free songs and albums

As I have already mentioned, the first solution to download free music from iTunes is to pay attention to any songs or albums that occasionally Apple offers as gifts to users.

To check for music or albums as gifts on iTunes, start iTunes on your computer, wait until the software window is visible, then click on the menu located at the top left, under the player controls, and select the voice Music from the menu that is shown to you.

In the new screen displays in the window of Tunes, presses on the item Store located at the top right, and once you see the digital store of Apple to buy music and albums search, in the right part of the window, the presence of voices that allow you to download free music from iTunes such as Gift or the name of an album, in particular and click on it. He also pays attention to the presence of voices referring to gifts in the section Quick links music placed always on the right in the iTunes window.

If, after clicking, you see a button corresponding to the entire album or individual songs written on Get then there is no doubt, you can download it to your computer without spending a single penny.

Instead, if instead of one or more buttons with the words ” Get “, you have to find buttons indicating a digit, for example $0.99 then I’m sorry, in this case you will not be able to download free music from iTunes but you will have to pay the indicated price to get the selected content.

Once you have finished downloading the selected content, you can find everything in the Accessible Library section by pressing the appropriate item attached to the top of the iTunes window.


As an alternative to the solutions already proposed, you can download free music from iTunes by appealing to podcasts. Not sure what I’m talking about? Let’s be right away! Podcasts are just episodes of a program available on the Internet. Usually, these are original audio or video recordings but they can also be episodes of television or radio programs, conferences, shows and various other recorded events.

iTunes Podcast

To download free music from iTunes using podcasts, the first thing you need to do is to press the Podcast item attached to the menu located at the top left of the program window. If you cannot see the Podcast entry from the menu, first select the Edit menu … option, then check the next Podcast entry and click Finish to finish.

Now you have to click on the Audio tab at the top, scroll the screen that is shown to you, locate the Music section and then click on the item Complete list > next to it.

In the new iTunes screen that you are viewing, try to find a podcast of your interest among those proposed. If you find it click on it then presses the button Get corresponding to the single podcast of your interest and wait for the download of the same is started and completed.

Once you have completed the podcast download, you can listen to it when you prefer simply by clicking on the Library item located at the top of the iTunes window.

If you do not want to download anything but still want to stay up to date on a specific podcast, instead of clicking the Get button you can press the Subscribe button located at the top left of the iTunes window after choosing the podcast to listen to.

Once you have finished downloading the chosen content, you can find everything in the Library section of the software accessible by pressing on the appropriate item attached to the top of the iTunes window.

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