Audio and Music

The best programs for iTunes

iTunes Duplicate Song Manager

iTunes Duplicate Song Manager has a name that leaves little room for doubt. It is a free program that allows you to remove duplicates from the iTunes library but also includes other interesting features.

iTunes Duplicate Song Manager

It allows, for example: to monitor the folders specified by the user and automatically add files saved in it to the iTunes library, remove the ” orphan ” tracks and add new tracks to iTunes. It is based on Java and is also available for Mac OS. Download from here.


As its name suggests quite easily, iTunes Lyrics Adder is a small free and no-install application (that is, it does not require installations to work) thanks to which you can search and add lyrics to the songs contained in the iTunes library.


The software comes with an essential user interface but at the same time simple to use and allows you to automatically download the lyrics of the songs contained in the multimedia library of iTunes from various online databases. It is only available for the Windows operating system. Download from here.


iTunes allows you to sync tracks in your media library with only Apple devices, ie iPod, iPhone and iPad. NotPod is a free application for Windows systems that allows you to synchronize your iTunes library with all portable MP3 players in an absolutely easy and fast way.


Once installed, the program is placed in the Windows notification area and goes into action automatically when you connect your portable player to the PC. For experienced users, a configuration panel is available that allows you to adjust various software parameters. Download from here.

Sync Blocker

Another software with a fairly eloquent name. Sync Blocker is a free program for Windows and Mac OS X that allows you to act on automatic synchronization performed by iTunes with the songs on mobile devices blocking the deletion of songs from iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad.

Sync Blocker

It is extremely simple to use and is 100% free but to start using it. You must enter your e-mail address and register your copy of the software with the serial code received (always at no cost). Download from here.


Syncing the songs of iTunes and your Apple portable device (iPod, iPhone, iPad) can be a nerve-racking operation. SynciTunes makes everything simpler by giving the user the ability to control every aspect of syncing songs between iTunes and Apple devices.


Allows you to synchronize the songs contained only in certain folders without going through the Apple multimedia software, update the tags in iTunes when they have been modified by other programs, delete the songs from the iTunes library and much more. It is 100% free and is only available for Windows systems. Download from here.


iTunes automatically downloads information and covers of songs in the music library from the Internet, but this function does not always fulfill its 100% duty. TuneUp is a very effective and easy-to-use program that fills the gaps of the iTunes automatic system by downloading tags, information and covers for all the songs in the Apple Media Center library.

It also includes a function to delete duplicates and view the biographies or concert dates of the artists. The program is paid but is available in a trial version that finds information on 50 songs and covers of 25 albums. Download from here.

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